Històries de xocolata
Tasta els nostres…
Barra Montseny
Regular price €9,80 Very nice!

"Shake it, they are small bites of happiness, moments filled with stories and pleasures"

Xócala Barcelona

Xócala is a company with a social character focused on the creation, development and production of creative, surprising and top quality chocolate products.

A project that, at the same time, helps to normalize the working life of people, regardless of their abilities.

A project of the social economy

Xócala is a creative chocolates project born from HiSom, an association that works on the labor inclusion of people at risk of exclusion.
Xócala workshops

Si sou un grup apunteu-vos a fer un taller per conèixer Xócala i el món de la bomboneria des de dins.

What do they say about us?

"A very good initiative, in every way"

Carles Costa • TV3

"Products with meaning, delicious and with a spectacular design"

Oriol Armungan